Dr. Lorenzo A. Mata is president of Quit For Good, a non-profit, non-stock organization promoting harm reduction as a compassionate strategy to mitigate the damage and loss tobacco cigarettes have brought to society. A recognized Harm Reduction Expert in the Philippines, serving as a resource speaker in local and international Harm Reduction forums and in the Philippine Senate and House of Representatives. Dr. Mata has significantly contributed to the crafting of a national bill that if passed into law, will be known as “Non-combustible Nicotine Delivery System Regulation Act of 2020”.
An Occupational Medical Specialist for three and a half decades, with many years working in both hospital and industrial setting. His commitment to harm reduction has always been integral in his practice. Now a Concierge Medical Practitioner, providing personalized home care in his city with a population of 90,000 including nearly a thousand cases of COVID-19 seen and treated.
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